Saturday, May 31, 2008

Å løpe = To run (Uke 22)

This week's verb is å løpe, meaning "to run".

Let's conjugate this verb, with its irregular past tense:

jeg løper = I run
du løp = you (sing.) ran
han hadde løpt/løpet= he had run
vi vil løpe = we will run
dere vil ha løpt/løpet = they will have run
de ville løpe = you (pl.) will run
Løp! = Run!

Some idioms using å løpe:

å løpe fra = to run away from
å løpe sin vei = to run away
å la løpe = to let go, to not pursue

And here are some sentences using å løpe --

Han løper hver morgen.
He runs every morning.

Jeg løp byen rundt og lette etter svart ull. Uten hell!
I ran all over town, looking for black wool. No luck!

Jeg hadde håpet å skrive mer, men tiden løp fra meg.
I had hoped to write more, but I ran out of time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Flesknes: Beklager, teknisk feil!"

Fleksnes' television set breaks down, with disastrous results, in this 1974 episode from the long-running comedy series.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Olsenbanden: Operasjon Egon

Here is a classic Norwegian comedy from 1969 about a band of inept crooks, the first in a long-running series about the Olsen gang.

(Unfortunately this isn't the entire movie, missing the last twenty minutes or so, if the running time in the entry at IMDB is correct. But it isn't terribly difficult to guess what happens in the end.)