The Verb of the Week for Week 17 is å stå, "to stand".
Here are the conjugations of this regular verb:
jeg står = I stand (present tense)
du har stått = you have stood (present perfect tense)
han stod = he stood (past tense)
hun hadde stått = she had stood (past perfect tense)
vi vil stå = we will stand (future tense)
dere vil ha stått = I will have stood (future perfect tense)
de ville stå = they would stand (present conditional tense)
de ville ha stått = they would have stood (perfect conditional tense)
Å stå also has many idiomatic uses. Here are a few:
står som = be, serve as (chairman, leader, etc.)
står i butikk = work in a shop
står på en liste = be on a list
uret står = the clock has stopped
står og henge = hang around
And here are some sentences using å stå --
Hvorfor stå når du kan sitte?
Why stand when you can sit?
Jeg bare sto der. Jeg var for flau til å gjøre noe annet.
I just stood there. I was too embarrassed to do anything else.
Det står i avisen at det blir fint vær i morgen.
It says in the paper that it will be fine tomorrow.
Kjetil! Mads! Reidun! Maten står på bordet!
Kjetil! Mads! Reidun! Supper's on the table!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Å spørre = To ask (Uke 14)
The Verb of the Week for week 14 is å spørre. It means "to ask".
(Note that "to ask a question" is å stille spørsmål. Hvis du har spørsmål, kan du stille dem på slutten av foredraget = "If you have any questions, please ask at the end of the lecture.")
Å spørre conjugates irregularly, thus:
jeg spør = I ask (present tense)
du har spurt = you (sing.) have asked (present perfect tense)
han spurte = he asked (past tense)
hun hadde spurt = she had asked (past perfect)
vi vil spørre = we will ask (future)
dere vil ha spurt = they will have asked (future perfect)
de ville spørre = you (pl.) would ask (present conditional)
de ville ha spurt = you (pl.) would have asked (perfect conditional)
And here are some examples of its usage:
Uansett hva du gjør, så ikke spør om hårklippen hennes.
Whatever you do, don't ask about her haircut.
La oss spørre igjen når mamma er i bedre humør.
Let's ask again when mom's in a better mood.
Hva gjør han her? Spurte du ham?
What’s he doing here? Did you ask him?
(Note that "to ask a question" is å stille spørsmål. Hvis du har spørsmål, kan du stille dem på slutten av foredraget = "If you have any questions, please ask at the end of the lecture.")
Å spørre conjugates irregularly, thus:
jeg spør = I ask (present tense)
du har spurt = you (sing.) have asked (present perfect tense)
han spurte = he asked (past tense)
hun hadde spurt = she had asked (past perfect)
vi vil spørre = we will ask (future)
dere vil ha spurt = they will have asked (future perfect)
de ville spørre = you (pl.) would ask (present conditional)
de ville ha spurt = you (pl.) would have asked (perfect conditional)
And here are some examples of its usage:
Uansett hva du gjør, så ikke spør om hårklippen hennes.
Whatever you do, don't ask about her haircut.
La oss spørre igjen når mamma er i bedre humør.
Let's ask again when mom's in a better mood.
Hva gjør han her? Spurte du ham?
What’s he doing here? Did you ask him?
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