Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Å stå = To stand (Uke 17)

Å stå is the Verb of the Week. It means "to stand". Here are some conjugations of this regular verb --

jeg står = I stand
jeg stod = I stood
jeg hadde stått = I have stood
jeg vil stå = I will stand
jeg vil ha stått = I will have stood
jeg ville stå = I would have stood

And some sentences using it --

Vi sto i regnet i to timer, men det var verdt det for å få billettene.

We stood in the rain for two hours, but it was worth it to get the tickets.

Katten står ved døren og venter på å bli sluppet inn.

The cat is standing at the door waiting to be let in.

Hvordan kunne jeg danse med en annen, når jeg så henne stå der?
How could I dance with another, when I saw her standing there?

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