Monday, June 27, 2011

Å kjøpe = To buy (Uke 26)

Edwardian pearl and diamond ring from Precious & Rare Pieces.

The Verb of the Week for week 26 is å kjøpe, used very like the same verb in English, "to buy". It usually takes a direct object, that which is being bought -- the camera, the car, and so on.

Here are the conjugations of å kjøpe --

vi kjøper = we buy/are buying (present tense)
vi har kjøpt = we have bought (present perfect tense)
vi kjøpte = we bought (past tense)
vi hadde kjøpt = we had bought (past perfect)
vi skal kjøpe = we shall buy (future)
vi skal ha kjøpt = we shall have bought (future perfect)
vi skulle kjøpe = we should buy (conditional present)
vi skulle ha kjøpt = we should have bought (conditional perfect)

And here are a few sentences using it:

Tre tenåringer i huset? Jeg er nødt til å kjøpe mer melk.
Three teenagers in the house? I will have to buy more milk.

Jeg visste at jeg skulle ha kjøpt den blå kjolen istedenfor den grønne!
I knew I should have bought the blue dress instead of the green one!

Her -- jeg kjøpte noe til deg.
Here -- I bought you something.

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