Monday, June 14, 2010

Word of the Day = Fluer (Dagens ord)

Fluer eller "floaters" i synsfeltet. Kild: Wikipedia.

The Word of the day is fluen (or flua), fluer, fluene = the floater, floaters, the floaters.

A "floater" is a condensation or fragment of the vitreous humour in the eye, caused sometimes by trauma to the eye, but more often simply by the natural aging process and subsequent liquifaction of the vitreous. Floaters are variously seen as spots or as curved or straight lines, which can be thick or thin, or branched.

Floaters are actually the shadow of the fragment cast onto the retina, which is why you can't see them as well in poor light.

glasslege = vitreous humour of the eye
glasslegemesvløsning = retinal detachment

Han har fluer i øyet.
He has floaters in his eye.

Lese mer om flekker i synsfeltet på og

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