Monday, August 24, 2009

Å spille = To play (Uke 35)

Å spille is the Verb of the Week. It means "to play," as in to play a musical instrument, a role, a trick, specific games, and so on. (For something like children playing, use å leke.)

du spiller = you (sing.) play (present tense)
du har spilt = you have played (present perfect tense)
du spilte = you played (past tense)
du har spilt = you have played (past perfect tense)
du vil spille = you will play (future tense)
du vil har spille = you will have played (future perfect)

La oss spille sjakk! Okay, hva med dam, da?
Let's play chess! Okay, then, how about checkers?

Hva var den filmen, den hvor Sverre Anker Ousdal spilte en bankraner?
What was that movie, the one where Sverre Anker Ousdal played a bankrobber?

Trond har spilt valdhornet i tre år nå. Han blir veldig flink.
Trond has played the french horn for three years now. He's getting quite good.

Hva spiller på Eldorado i kveld?
What's playing at the Eldorado this evening?

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