Monday, September 14, 2009

Å vite = To know (Uke 38)

The Verb of the Week is å vite, "to know". Related to the Latin "videre", "to see/observe, understand", it means "to know" as in the sense of knowing facts. (See å kjenne for knowing, being familiar with, a person or a song.)

Let's conjugate this irregular verb:

hun vet = she knows (present tense)
hun har visst = she has known (present perfect)
hun visste = she knew (past tense)
hun hadde visst = she had known (past perfect)
hun vil vite = she will know (future)
hun vil ha visst = she will have known (future perfect)
hun ville vite = she would know (conditional present tense)
hun ville ha visst = she would have known (conditional perfect tense)

And use it in a few sentences:

Jeg vet at Lars bor i denne gaten, men jeg husker ikke nummeret.
I know that Lars lives on this street, but I can’t remember the number.

Før han var ti visste Trond navnene og hovedstedene av alle amerikanske statene.
By the time he was ten, Trond knew the names and capitals of all the American states.

Egentlig har jeg visst om Ragnhild og Per i minst en måned nå.
Actually, I’ve known about Ragnhild and Per for at least a month now.

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