Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Å spørre = To ask (Uke 14)

The Verb of the Week for week 14 is å spørre. It means "to ask".

(Note that "to ask a question" is å stille spørsmål. Hvis du har spørsmål, kan du stille dem på slutten av foredraget = "If you have any questions, please ask at the end of the lecture.")

Å spørre conjugates irregularly, thus:

jeg spør = I ask (present tense)
du har spurt = you (sing.) have asked (present perfect tense)
han spurte = he asked (past tense)
hun hadde spurt = she had asked (past perfect)
vi vil spørre = we will ask (future)
dere vil ha spurt = they will have asked (future perfect)
de ville spørre = you (pl.) would ask (present conditional)
de ville ha spurt = you (pl.) would have asked (perfect conditional)

And here are some examples of its usage:

Uansett hva du gjør, så ikke spør om hårklippen hennes.
Whatever you do, don't ask about her haircut.

La oss spørre igjen når mamma er i bedre humør.
Let's ask again when mom's in a better mood.

Hva gjør han her? Spurte du ham?
What’s he doing here? Did you ask him?

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