Monday, April 26, 2010

Å stå = To stand (Uke 17)

The Verb of the Week for Week 17 is å stå, "to stand".

Here are the conjugations of this regular verb:

jeg står = I stand (present tense)
du har stått = you have stood (present perfect tense)
han stod = he stood (past tense)
hun hadde stått = she had stood (past perfect tense)
vi vil stå = we will stand (future tense)
dere vil ha stått = I will have stood (future perfect tense)
de ville stå = they would stand (present conditional tense)
de ville ha stått = they would have stood (perfect conditional tense)

Å stå also has many idiomatic uses. Here are a few:

står som = be, serve as (chairman, leader, etc.)
står i butikk = work in a shop
står på en liste = be on a list
uret står = the clock has stopped
står og henge = hang around

And here are some sentences using å stå --

Hvorfor stå når du kan sitte?
Why stand when you can sit?

Jeg bare sto der. Jeg var for flau til å gjøre noe annet.
I just stood there. I was too embarrassed to do anything else.

Det står i avisen at det blir fint vær i morgen.
It says in the paper that it will be fine tomorrow.

Kjetil! Mads! Reidun! Maten står på bordet!
Kjetil! Mads! Reidun! Supper's on the table!

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